Exposition attendue D’Amélie Ducommun

Amélie Ducommun exposes his Sensory series “Sensitive Water Mapping” on 2016 to The Gallery from March 16th till April 29th, 2017, varnishing on Thursday, March 16th from 6 pm till 9 pm. The Gallery publishes(edits) a catalog of exhibition(exposure) for the opportunity(occasion). The Gallery of the Tile makers will present you its new exhibition(exposure) of … Lire la suite

Soly Cissé – Les Mutants au Musée Dapper

Soly Cissé, un des artistes que nous soutenons, expose au Musée Dapper à Paris jusqu’au 17 juin 2017 dans le cadre des chefs d’Oeuvre d’Afrique. Exposition : Les Mutants : Une quinzaine d’oeuvres fortes, peintures et dessins, sculptures et assemblages, témoignent d’un art maîtrisé qui met en scène des êtres hybrides. Un univers foisonnant où les signes de … Lire la suite


La Galerie met à l’honneur le dessin sous toutes ses formes, à travers des travaux d’artistes émergents ou plus établis du 19 janvier au 4 mars 2017 : Albert Bitran, Soly Cissé, Fabienne Comte, Michèle Destarac, Laurence Garnesson, Julieth Mars Toussaint, Thibaut de Reimpré, Yasse Tabuchi, Toma L, Yankel. Dessins de Yasse Tabuchi, Thibaut Réimpré, Julieth Mars Toussaint   … Lire la suite

The exhibition of Toma L, one moment of sharing

The varnishing of Toma L as well as its exhibition was a strong moment in the gallery. Toma L is generous and our catalog was able to allow to make the work of Toma L understand in the uninitiated of its painting. Crude oil and instinctive! Come to discover the works of Toma L, Exhibition … Lire la suite

Toma-L in the Gallery. Opening on Thursday, November 17th, 2016

In preparation, the exhibition of Toma L in the Gallery. Opening on Thursday, November 17th, 2016 Exhibition from November 17th till December 31st, 2016 Varnishing on Thursday, November 17th, 2016 in Lyon of 18 hours at 9 pm to Let go its look in a workshop as that of the Thomas Labarthe, it is to see … Lire la suite

La galerie des Tuiliers à ST-ART 2016

We look forward to seeing you all at the fair @ST-ART stand(pit) C10, until November 29th, 2016, the works Amélie Ducommun, paints(paintings) Florence Garnesson Michèle Destarac Bengt Lindstrom and Fabienne Comte * http: // www.st-art.com/

Fabienne Comte’s works always a success

The exhibition 2016 was a real success for Fabienne Comte. The opportunity to see Fabienne Comte’s wonderful world. Discover or rediscover Fabienne Comte’s works in the Gallery Of The Tile makers from Thursday, October 6th till Saturday, November 5th, 2016 openning on Thursday, October 6th).   

Some news of our Chinese artist Wang Yan Cheng

This year, Wang Yan Cheng integrates prestigious world-famous art gallery Aquavella, present in Hong-Kong and New York. He also participated from 23 till 25 March 2016 in ArtBasel Hong Kong. In 2017, he will expose to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Tokyo as well as to the National Museum of China in Beijing. Then, … Lire la suite


We were on the Fair of contemporary Art, Art Elysees on the stand 113A, of October 20-24th, 2016. We presented you artists to discover and of new talents exposed to the Gallery of the Tile makers.

La Gazette Drouot parle de nous…

“Place aux jeunes talents !   Avec cet accrochage, la galerie souhaite donner un coup de projecteur sur des artistes encore méconnus mais néanmoins prometteurs, au rang desquels Amélie Ducommun (née en 1983), Laurence Garnesson (née en 1967), Estelle Jouili (née en 1977) et Oscar Oramas (né en 1971). Saluons d’emblée cette volonté de donner … Lire la suite