cropped-logo-galeriedestuiliers.jpg tabuchi-racines-nouees Toile de Yasse Tabuchi



Created in 2000, the Gallery of the Tile makers is situated in Lyon, where it exposes permanently about twenty artists of the contemporary paint.
His artistic line is the one of a constant search for new talents to be defended, as recently  Flore Sigrist or Soly Cissé or Amélie Ducommun. She also presents confirmed and historic artists of the international scene: Albert Bitran, Yasse Tabuchi, Wang Yan Cheng.
The Gallery is engaged in a constant work of promotion of his artists through in situ exhibitions or during lounges of contemporary art in France, abroad and during art fairs or still by realizations of catalogs.

To know more about all the artists




Galerie des Tuiliers – Lyon
33, rue des Tuiliers, 69008 Lyon tél : +33 (0)4 72 78 18 68

La Galerie des Tuiliers est Membre du Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art.






Quelques Photos de la galerie :

Exposition Oscar Oramas, ButterflyMan en 2017



Exposition Toma L, Droitobrut en 2016



Exposition Dessins en 2016
